Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mariners designate Wells for assignment. Bay to start?

I am sad to see Casper Wells designated for assignment, and quite frankly a little mad. Sure he didn't perform great in spring training but with the games he has played with the Mariners I would think he would be given more respect than being designated for assignment. Throughout his entire stint with the Mariners, he was never really given a shot at an extended time with the Big League club. I truly believe if he would have been given a shot he could have turned into a decent everyday starter or at least a viable backup. Either way, I am not the one making those decisions…maybe someday ;)

Now to the reason Casper has been designated for assignment in the first place, his name is Jason Bay. Yes that Jason Bay, the one who hit .236 with 26 homers and 124 RBI's with the Mets. I guess those aren't bad numbers, oh wait thats over the last three years! After signing his $66 million dollar deal with the Mets Jason Bay has basically been the poster boy for MLB memes (check it out at,) not to mention a laughing stock on Sports Center. However, the Mariners  only signed him for $1 million dollars and, while still more expensive than Casper Wells, he has a bigger upside. If anyone can remember back far enough to his Red Sox days.

So for now, lets see what plays out with Bay competing for time off the bench and Wells likely to be released if the Mariners can't find anyone who will want to trade for him.

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